We, and by we I mean Aly, made some beautiful pork chops for dinner tonight.
After we finished eating, we scraped the bones in the garbage can and continued to gather wine glasses and silverware.
As we were wiping down the table in the dining room, we heard a thud in the kitchen. On the approach we found Otis standing over a partially dumped garbage can with the dinner scraps and various debris scattered on the floor.
Among the remains, was one pork chop bone. The only problem, we had two pork chops.
Hearing horror stories of animals eating cooked bones and splintering their insides, we Googled "my dog ate a pork bone, what do I do."
If you cannot tell, we are clueless and would make horrible parents.
We found a forum where someone had a dog that swallowed a pork bone and was getting advice from a dog advocate. The advocate "very, strongly encouraged" the dog owner to take the dog to the vet. A follow up post revealed that the vet made the dog vomit to dislodge the bone.
Next, we Googled "how do I make my dog vomit?"
Again, completely clueless.
The solution was EITHER one tablespoon of salt OR two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide.
Being a concerned pet owner, we went with the non-poison first - the salt. We dumped, what I would guess was, more than one tablespoon of salt into the Goat's mouth. He chewed it up like Pop Rocks. You could actually hear his teeth grinding.
We moved onto peroxide and changed venues to the backyard. Aly dumped no less than two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide down the Goat's throat.
Anticipating fireworks, we unleashed him. He looked at us both and started hot laps around the yard.
This dog is not of this earth.
We watched him for a few minutes, when due to cold, migrated inside. Just as we were opening the back door we noticed Otis had stopped running.
Perched on the neighbor's back door step he arched his back and vomited. All over the back steps.
Our neighbor was sitting at her counter in her kitchen, working on her computer. Looking up, it would appear her neighbor, in below 20 degree weather, was shoveling her back porch.
"Albeit random at 9 p.m., what a neighborly thing to do - shovel my back porch," she was probably thinking.
Only three people, well two people and one dog, know better.
I've stopped telling people at work these stories.